So you are shopping for new football boots.
However, you have no clue which ones to choose.
They have your size in many boots, but the question you are wondering is what colour football boots should I get?
Well, I know first-hand how hard it is to settle on one pair.
In fact, when I buy my football boots, I normally get three or more.
This is more because I like to get them for every surface I play on.
But when I do this, I will normally have a mixture of designs, so I have something different for each surface.
Now unlike you, if you are just looking for one pair of football boots, but need some help choosing a colour.
Well, in this post, I will take you through each of the main ones brands use, so you can get a good idea of what works more for you.
Table of Contents
What Colour Football Boots Are There?
A quick gander around a store online, you will present with you many different coloured football boots.
To confuse things even more, you have various colour combinations and designs.
Of which continue to be updated over the course of a year, with brands releasing new ones onto the market.
Now so that this section isn’t too long to read, I will go over the primary colours.
I will also give you my thoughts on them, with my experience of trying different coloured boots over my career so far.
White football boots is a nice colour football boot to look at.
However, while they are aesthetically nice to look at, their practicality isn’t great.
As with the main colour of white, it becomes inevitable that they will lose their original colour after a while.
That is because no matter if you play on 3G, Astro or Grass, the green rubs give them a green tint.
Now you can clean and try to keep them fresh for as long as you can.
But with grass stains, that will happen naturally. They can be quite difficult to clean.
Despite all that, white boots are the type that goes with almost any colour kit and does look fresh.
So if you see yourself gravitating to this colour, you will have plenty of options on the market.
Here is a post I wrote of the best white Nike football boots that you can look through.
Best White Football Boots: Nike Mercurial Superfly VIII (White/Black/Pink Blast)
Many years ago, Pink would have been seen as a strange colour to put on boots.
However, brands have incorporated Pink into the boots to create come pretty stylish footwear for footballers.
The colour has been associated with the Nikes range of Mercurial football boots.
With a number released for this silo over the past decade in this colour.
Rather fitting and one of my favourites is the brand’s collaboration with the speed merchant Kylian Mbappe.
As you can see above, these were in a rosa pink with a white swoosh.
But as you would suspect, due to their popularity, these have sold out almost everywhere.
With that said, there are some solid pairs of Pink boots out on the market, created by many brands.
Now the only thing to pick on with Pink is that they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.
That is due to how bright they are.
However, if you are like me and don’t mind them, these are a good colour to go with.
Best Pink Football Boots: New Balance Tekela 3+ Pro SG (Alpha Pink/Horizon)
You can’t get more standard than a simple black.
While some may call them boring compared to the stylish ones, they are, for me, a smart pair of boots to go with.
Its a classic colour that has been popular for years, and one you simply can’t go wrong with.
That is because boots in this colour always look fresh.
Plus, contrary to white, these are much easier to clean.
Best Black Football Boots: Mizuno Morelia II Japan (Black/Tawny Port)
Red is another popular colour for a football boot, which you will see hundreds of on the market.
The reason for this, however, is that there are numerous shades of red.
Which combined with different colours, gives you many different looks for a boot.
Now when it comes to red football boots, there is something about them which is nice.
They have this glow to them, which make them stand out on the pitch.
Being bright won’t suit everybody, but if you are a fan of just a few of the shades of red, put on football boots nowadays.
You should be able to find one that works for you.
My Verdict On Best Red Football Boots: Adidas Predator Freak
Football boots in a base colour of blue is a great choice to go with and has been a go-to of mine over the past few seasons.
From the 2017 Nike Hypervenom Motion Blur release to the popular Nike Mercurial Superfly’s in 2019.
There has been some pretty spot on boots made by Nike and various other brands, too, which catch on well.
Now what I like about blue is that it works with other colours such as white and black.
My Verdict On Best Blue Football Boots: Puma Future Z 1.2 Blue
Why Do Footballers Wear Bright Boots?
Footballers will wear bright boots for one of three reasons.
The first one is that they will wear them because they simply like the look of them.
There is something nice about bright boots, even if for some they are too much.
With the right mix of colours, they can stand out on the pitch and even give you more confidence.
While the majority of players will wear whatever they want.
Secondly, they might not be bothered about the look at all.
Instead, they are more concerned about their fit, and from trying different boots, they found that some pairs of bright ones fit them the best.
Lastly, the reason why footballers are choosing bright boots could be because of brand deals.
This is more of those playing at the top level and is less common the further down the football pyramid.
So if you are watching a player from the premier league on TV who is wearing some bright Adidas boots, for example.
While there is a good chance they like it, one factor in why they are wearing them is a football boot sponsorship.
With the top boot brands, they will constantly switch up their designs for their silo.
If we take the predator boots above, which are bright red, the previous release of these was a simpler black colour.
If a footballer has been wearing the predators for a while and has found the fit to be perfect.
Then they may continue to wear them, no matter how bright they are.
What Is The Best Colour For Football Boots?
There is no standout colour for football boots or one that I would say you must go with.
At the end of the day, its all about preference.
So as long as you have chosen the right size, and are comfortable in them, I encourage you to go with whatever colour football boots appeal to you.
These are the boots that will be on your feet over the course of the next season, so you will want to like what’s on them.
There would be no point in going with certain boots, just because they are easier to clean.
If you were looking to find out what colour football boots you should get, I hope this post helped you out.
When it comes down to choosing boots, I always recommend going with what you can see yourself wearing and, of course, what fits you.
As just like with clothes, if you buy some that you don’t like, they will likely sit in the wardrobe for months, because you don’t want to put them on.
The same applies to boots, if you don’t like them, it will likely put you off playing football if its a colour you are not a fan of.